Bible In One Year-Day 54 (Sunday, February 23, 2014)

Commentary: Matt10-12. Matt10 is an account of the cost of discipleship. Before a man builds the house, he sits down first to count the cost. In this account, Jesus told them about how the work they do will feed them, the trust and help of the Holy Spirit. He further made them to know the hardship involved. All that Jesus taught them was what He practiced. Jesus had to let them know so that they do not get discouraged and be offended in the way if they faced some difficulties. Many Christians are getting discouraged nowadays for the difficulties they face as they get deeper in the Lord. I pray that the grace of God will strengthen you in the name of Jesus. Chpters9-11 are Christ’s lamentation for His rejection by the Jews. But in chapter12, His doctrine changed. Matt12:7 particular condemned their belief and manner in pleasing God. They thought they could please God by the works of righteousness, i.e. following the law (evidently deceivingly). The law does not justify, neither does it sanctifies. It is faith that justifies and the word of truth that sanctifies, Rom3:20-27. Therefore, beloved, there is no boasting at all in the works of righteousness but by the law of Faith. In all ramifications of the law, Paul was in no way qualified to be an Apostle of Jesus. But through grace he was saved, by faith he was justified and through the word he became sanctified. The law is seeking for the righteous to condemn as a sinner while the gospel of grace seeks for the sinner to restore as saint. Jesus came for the sinners. The person you grew up with in your community, who everybody knew for his notoriety, could be the greatest evangelist of tomorrow and his past becomes history (testimony). This is the work of God and it is grace at work. In weighing the word of God and miracles, the word (i.e. sound teachings) is better off, because it works you through change. Miracles are just attractions and confirmations to the truth you teach or God saying ‘yes’ to what you say. The greatest problems in Jesus’ ministry were the Pharisees. They confronted Him to the last. They believed in the law so much that grace was irrelevant to them. These same set of people were John’s problem; they resisted the kingdom of God from being preached to people. John had to leave the township for the wilderness to set up his pulpit. They were the forces that Jesus was referring to as “the kingdom of God suffers violence …”. Anything that will hinder you from entering the kingdom of God is the thing you need to fight with violence. Such Pharisees are the problems of the gospel today which we have discussed when we were studying the book of Luke. They are likened to the strong man Jesus talked about in chapter12. Therefore, battle with the strong man is everywhere; within the church, at the office, in the family, on your street etc. DON’T GIVE UP. The works of righteousness does not take us to heaven, only the GRACE of Jesus. Grace is God the Holy Spirit dwelling and working in us, i.e. righteousness dwelling in a sinful vessel. Once the Holy Spirit takes His place in you, to do the will of God becomes natural to you because you are no more living your own will but by the will of God.

Matthew 12:49-50 “And he stretched forth his hand towards his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whoever shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

In chapter12:49-50, Jesus made a clear distinction between those who are His and those who aren’t. By their fruit you shall know them.  Prayer: Lord Jesus, let Your light chase out the darkness in me. Reading for today is Matt13-15. Keep the fire burning and alive. You are blessed and highly favored.

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